Toyohiko Nishijima
Born 1966 in Kohoku-cho, Nagahama, Shiga Prefecture. He grew up in the rich natural environment of Lake Biwa, a
land of nature beliefs, where he felt close to trees, water, flowers, insects and birds.
After graduating from high school, he worked once before enrolling at an art college at his own expense. He met the
painter Hirohiko Nakano and learnt about philosophy, spirituality and plasticity in painting, and began his artistic
career with a solo exhibition in 1993. After 20 years as an artist, his creative drive increased and he began to search for
new possibilities in Japanese painting and to explore new methods of expression.
As a dyslexic* himself, he cannot learn from schools or books, but learns from nature and lives in close contact with it.
In 2021, he establishes the Nishijima Toyohiko Foundation, a donation initiative for children with dyslexia.
In 2022, he will reexamine Japanese painting, fuse it with organics in the genre of naturalism, and transmit Japanese
culture and marginal space. In 2022, he will rethink Japanese painting, fuse it with organic art in the naturalistic genre, and transmit Japanese culture and marginality.